Gorzog / Projects

E-Ink Schedule Display

E-Ink Display

Display your schedule on a e-ink display using a Raspberry Pi Pico WH with Micropython

Note: This project includes the display driver for the Waveshare Pico e-Paper 2.9 (B) display provided by Waveshare


Hardware required

How to assemble

NOTE: This project was made using a Waveshare Pico e-Paper 2.9 (B) [V4], other models may have different pinouts which could send voltages to the wrong pins and therefore damage the display, before starting please check on the board the model (Pico e-Paper 2.9) and that the sticker has V4 written on it and that is in the B/W/R box

Using the socket

If you are using a Rasberry Pi WH (With GPIO headers):

  1. Connect the rasberry pi to the socket of the display

How to install the software

Using the MicroPico extension for VS Code

  1. Download the latest version of main.py from the Releases page
  2. Create a new directory for the project
  3. Flash the Micropython firmware on the Rasberry Pi Pico (Official guide)
  4. Download and Install Visual Studio Code
  5. Install the MicroPico extension on VS Code
  6. Open the directory previously created containing main.py on VS Code using File > Open Folder
  7. On VS Code run "MicroPico: Configure project" using the command palette (⇧+⌘+P/⇧+ctrl+P)
  8. Connect the Rasberry Pi Pico to your computer using a USB-A to USB-Micro-B data cable
  9. Check the status of the connection using the status bar (Status Bar), if it shows disconnected click that same indicator to retry the connection
  10. Once the connection has been enstablished click on Toggle Pico-W-FS on the status bar to show the file system of the Rasberry Pi inside of the Explorer tab of VS Code
  11. Transfer main.py to the Rasberry Pi Pico
  12. Rasberry Pi Pico's File system
  13. Install needed dependecies (datetime) using the MicroPico Tab ( MicroPico tab ) (You may need to connect to a Wi-Fi Network using the same tab)
  14. Open main.py on the filesystem of the Rasberry Pi Pico and modify the configuration on the top of the file, it should look like this:
    # System config
    fetchConfigFromRemote = False
    scdate = 09
    fastBoot = True
    utcOffset = 2
    refreshTime = 3600
    ledOffEnable = False
    ledOffStart = 21
    ledOffEnd = 7
    # Network config
    ssid = 'YOUR_SSID'
    password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
    ntptime.host = "1.europe.pool.ntp.org"
    scheduleServer = "YOUR_WEB_SERVER"
    # Strings
    str_today = "Today"
    str_tomorrow = "Tomorrow"
    str_months = ["Jan", "Feb", ...]
    # Display driver config
    EPD_WIDTH       = 128
    EPD_HEIGHT      = 296
    SCK_PIN         = 10
    DIN_PIN         = 11
    RST_PIN         = 12
    DC_PIN          = 8
    CS_PIN          = 9
    BUSY_PIN        = 13
    change the values to match your configuration
  15. System config:
    fetchConfigFromRemote: Fetch config from remote server, see example json
    scdate: Time after which to show the schedule for the next day
    fastBoot: Use a less verbose init process (Faster)
    utcOffset: UTC offset in hours (ex. 2 = UTC+2)
    refreshTime: How many seconds to wait before issuing a refresh
    ledOffEnable: Enable LED scheduled control
    ledOffStart: Time after which to turn off the onboard LED (Requires ledOffEnable to be True)
    ledOffEnd: Time after which to turn on the onboard LED (Requires ledOffEnable to be True)
    Network config:
    ssid: The SSID of your Wi-Fi network [REQUIRED]
    password: The password of your Wi-Fi network [REQUIRED]
    ntptime.host: NTP Server to use for time retrieval
    scheduleServer: URL for the schedule.json hosted on a web server, you can find an example for formatting here, for more info see schedule format [REQUIRED]
    These can be used for localization, try to use the same character count otherwise change manually the offsets
    Display driver config:
    Display pins mapping, don't change if using socket

Schedule Format

The Rasberry Pi Pico will retrieve your schedule from the defined web server, the screen can display up to 7 subjects, if more are defined "..." will be displayed instead, if the day dosen't contain any subject a "free" screen will be displayed. Example Schedule:

      "weekly_schedule": {
        "0": [
            "time": "08",
            "subject": "Hello World!"
        "1": [
        "2": [
        "3": [
        "4": [
        "5": [
            "displayMode": "free"
        "6": [

For a full example see example/schedule.json

This project is not affiliated with any of the products used.